© 2003 Rogue

Based upon characters created by Gideon.

German-language assistance kindly provided by BigBlueFox.

January 6, 1945. Allied forces had been advancing across Nazi-occupied Europe for half a year. As one kilometer after another fell to the liberating armies, the German High Command unleashed upon the world the terror weapons that they called Vergeltungswaffe. The V1 and later the V2 would rain death and devastation upon England and secure their place in the annals of military history; the mighty cannon called the V3 would mercifully never be completed. Never recorded by history, however, was the awesome might of the V4, code-named Donnerhuf, which was deployed for the first time at the French village of Tillet during the German counteroffensive that would become known as the Battle of the Bulge.

January 9, 1945. Elements of the United States Army's 87th Infantry were ordered to take the village of Tillet and to drive the Germans from the surrounding woods. In a savage engagement reminiscent of the battle for Bastogne one month earlier, both armies dug themselves into the woods north of the town and exchanged withering fire. Unlike Bastogne, however, the German guns fell silent at dawn on the second day of the fighting. The First and Second Platoons were ordered to advance.

The first indication of the approaching doom was an unearthly growl, like that of a tank engine, except that it came from somewhere above the trees. From ahead came the crash of timbers and a rhythmic, earth-shaking pounding. Through the forest the men could see snow exploding upward and thought at first they were being shelled; but then they saw a massive, moving bulk. Trees fell, their trunks snapping off like twigs. The geysers of snow came closer. The men at last could make out the shape of two enormous legs sweeping toward them.

By then, though, it was too late.

The Americans broke and ran but to no avail. The V4 was upon them. Over their shoulders they caught spinning, jolting glimpses of two pillar-like legs, of a dark and towering figure bigger than the Statue of Liberty, of an impassive equine face gazing down at them past the swell of two mammoth breasts. The men scrambled for the safety of a Sherman tank that had been dispatched to support them, only to see it disappear before their eyes, covered completely by a gigantic hoof that fell from the sky and squashed the tank like a clay model. There was nothing for the men to do then but scream and pray as the sky above them disappeared, replaced by the vast underside of another hoof that came down fast. There was a brief sensation of being driven down into the snow, of unbearable pressure, and then stillness.

"Erbärmlich," Blitzkrieg muttered. Pathetic. These Americans were nothing more than frightened ants, just as frail, and just as powerless. She listened to them shriek and gibber as she reached down and scooped them into her hand. With a casual squeeze they were dead, and as she dropped what was left of them onto the heads of their comrades the panicked retreat became a rout. Twin blasts of steam burst from her nostrils as she snorted at the fleeing horde. Killing them was far too easy. Their bullets bounced like raindrops from her thick hide. Their flight was ludicrously slow, their tiny legs pattering more than thirty times for each of Blitzkrieg's ponderous strides. In their terror they had lost even the sense to scatter as she stepped on them. Six, eight, even a dozen at a time fell squealing and cowering beneath her vast hoof where they were crushed into nothing.

The mighty Donnerhuf paused to wipe her hand on her thigh and peered past the swell over her enormous breasts down at the disgraceful swarm, her air one of resigned boredom. Sending her to destroy them was almost an insult. She had been created for much loftier purposes, not for such a demeaning task as swatting mosquitoes. She made a mental note to protest the assignment after it was completed.

In the meantime, though, she might as well take some amusement from it.

The Americans where embarrassingly simple to herd. Where Blitzkrieg walked the little green-clad figures blindly ran, so by merely stomping her hooves she could drive them in any directly she wished. Those who did not react swiftly enough were smashed into man-shaped splatters in the snow. In this fashion she was able to gather them into bewildered clusters, and there she was able to have her fun with them.

She stood astride them and peered down at their feeble scrambling between her hooves as her titanic male organs swayed over their heads. Placed there on the personal request of the Führer, whose order, "Bigger! Always bigger!" had been carried out faithfully, the mammoth penis dwarfed the men who cowered beneath it. "Hello, Liebchen," she said sweetly. "What is the trouble today? Are you Americans not quite so big, eh?" With a wry chuckle she squatted over them. Their shrieks became muffled as her vast scrotum draped over them, the great globes, each as large as a staff car, rolling over them and breaking their bones. She sighed at the briefness of their struggles which had felt so good for the few seconds before they ended, and then turned her attention to the survivors who were clawing their way through the snow. "Oh, no, please do not leave so soon," she taunted, lowering a hand like a wall before them and scooping them slowly backward. "Haven't you been wanting to feel what it is like to be inside a German girl?"

Her powerful legs tensed and the monstrous scrotum drew inward and then rose from the ground, revealing broken figures, some still feebly twitching. The survivors howled in fright as they were relentless shoved, stumbling and flailing, over their fallen comrades. The great hooves formed impassable walls on either side. The only escape was to the rear, but there was no time for even a single step before the giant shifted her body forward and sat upon them. The huge scrotum landed in the snow behind them a half second before they were driven to the ground and brutally pinned between moist and slippery flesh. They screamed for help and squirmed desperately as the meaty walls gripped at them, squeezing them hard and dragging them upward into oppressive darkness.

The Führer's order had been very direct and very specific, and that was to include the male attributes without disturbing the natural attributes of the female. Blitzkrieg blew another cloud of steam and groaned as she stood up, her body quivering with pleasure over the delicious writhing within her that was causing her male parts to swell and grow heavy.

Savoring the struggles for one last moment she balled her fists at her sides and then clenched down hard, and warm blood trickled down the inside of her thigh. She knew from experience that men, even by the handful, would leave her achingly unsatisfied, and that was a distraction that she could ill-afford in the middle of a mission. Besides, enough time had passed to allow her enemies to believe they had escaped. All the more fun to begin hunting them.

The Americans learned very quickly that trying to hide was futile, as the tank-sized hooves flattened trees and foxholes and bunkers alike. Before long they were once more in wild flight, the great Donnerhuf flushing them from their cover and sending them fleeing for their lives. She rounded them up once again and cornered them against a hillock. When they tried to retreat to the side she brought a hoof crashing down in their path, sending them scurrying back. They clung to one another in pitiful despair, whimpering and squeaking like mice. Blitzkrieg was filled with scorn for them and decided that this wretched lot was not worth toying with, and raised her hoof over their cowering bodies to crush them into the dirt.

An impact more powerful than a blockbuster bomb caught Blitzkrieg squarely in the belly. Her hoof kicked and lashed through the air as she teetered and collapsed, flattening the woods beneath her and kicking up a great spray of snow. She tried to catch her breath and gagged as a wave of pain from the blow shot through her. Swirling snow momentarily blinded her and she squinted to see what piece of artillery the enemy had managed to bring to bear, and which she was going to take great delight in dismantling very violently. As the snowburst subsided she saw her Americans huddled where they had been. Before her astonished eyes a vast hand came down and closed around the soldiers, gathering them into a loose fist and lifting them high into the air. A voiced boomed from above and shook the few trees that remained standing. "Watch it, Sister. You damn near stepped on my boys."

Blitzkrieg sat up quickly and blinked her eyes. Surely she was still dazed from the shell that had hit her. Before her, incredibly, loomed another Donnerhuf! This one, though, was fully female, lacking entirely the male parts that the Führer had demanded so eagerly. Save for that and the lightness of her fur, this other could easily have been Blitzkrieg's double. As the shock faded, Blitzkrieg saw that in the same place on her thigh where the German Balkenkreuz had been emblazoned, the other wore a bright white star and upon her shoulder the flag of America was printed beneath three garish yellow chevrons.

The other Donnerhuf raised the soldiers to her face and blew a soft, warm breath down upon them, then raised her eyes coldly toward Blitzkrieg. Without looking away she turned slightly and lowered her hand to the ground. "Beat it, Fellas," she growled. "We're gonna be doing some girl talk."

Overcoming her astonishment, Blitzkrieg climbed to her feet and squared her shoulders. "I see that the Americans once again follow Germany's lead. What do they call you?"

"Me? The fellows call me Liberty. Sergeant Liberty, to you. So, you must be the Kraut bitch they call Blitzkrieg, huh?" Her gaze fell to the ponderous malehood that hung between the German's legs and her eyes widened. "What the hell? Jeez, couldn't Adolph make up his mind?"

Blitzkrieg scowled. "That is not relevant. What is important is that you are standing between me and my objective. I suggest you move aside."

"Stand aside? Sorry, Toots. I ain't going nowhere, and for that matter, neither are you."

"You are outclassed. You can clearly see that I am larger and stronger than you. You will not interfere with my mission."

"Squishing Americans is your mission?" Liberty put her hands on her hips and widened her stance. "Not while I'm around."

"They are insects. They will die for their crimes against the Fatherland."

"You've got to go through me, first."

Blitzkrieg crouched slightly. "If you prefer," she rumbled, and then charged.

Liberty met the attack headlong, seizing the German's hands in her own. The mammoth bodies clashed with a sound like thunder, grappling, snarling, each struggling to gain the advantage. Trees were pounded to splinters beneath the mighty hooves as the two circled, muscles bulging, clouds of steam enshrouding their heads. Blitzkrieg at last kicked a leg forward and swept Liberty's legs from beneath her. They went down together, flattening the trees as Liberty squirmed beneath the German's greater bulk. Blitzkrieg grinned savagely at her opponent. "You cannot win!" she hissed. "Surrender now and I will not kill you."

"Nothing doing!" Liberty shot back.



Liberty wrenched a hand from Blitzkrieg's grip and brought her fist crashing into the side of the German's muzzle. Blitzkrieg grunted and jerked backward, giving Liberty enough time to throw the German off of her and regain her feet. The combatants squared off, circling slowly, eyeing each other warily. "Why the hell are you fighting, anyway?" Liberty said. "We've already got you on the run. Your army is finished."

"It is yours that is finished," Blitzkrieg said as she licked away some blood that spilled from her split lip. "I am a warrior of the Reich. I fight for my Führer and for the glory of the Aryan people."

"The people?" Liberty laughed scornfully. "Are you one of those Aryan people? Look at you. You're a freak! Once Adolph's done with you he'll bury you so that all the little Germans won't know what kind of a monster he was tossing off to."

Enraged, Blitzkrieg spun her body about and caught the American in the gut with a powerful kick that sent Liberty staggering backward. She fell backward, gagging, and saw the Donnerhuf lunging toward her. Blitzkrieg leapt, but Liberty was faster, raising her hooves and sending the German sailing overhead. There was a deafening crash as Blitzkrieg's body fell into the village itself, instantly obliterating an entire block of buildings.

Liberty caught up to her just as Blitzkrieg was rolling over, but a savage kick sent her staggering backward. Blitzkrieg kicked her way out of the rubble she had created, and then turned and thrust a hand down into the streets. Liberty charged her but skidded to an abrupt halt as Blitzkrieg turned to face her. Clutched in the German's hand was a camouflaged Panzer tank, its long-barreled cannon aimed directly at Liberty's chest. "Stay where you are," Blitzkrieg panted, grinning as she raised the tank higher. "On my order they will shoot. Your hide may be thick, but at this range I am certain their shells will gut you like a fish."

Slowly liberty raised her hands. "So this is the almighty German secret weapon, huh? Gotta have your boys do your fighting for you?"

"Be silent! You are my prisoner now. You will be treated fairly if you submit."

"Oh, I'm sure. Fair. You people are all about fair. That's why you decided to walk into Poland and Czechoslovakia and put all the people there into concentration camps. How fair did your Führer treat all the Jewish people who he sent away in train cars?"

"They are Untermensch. We have every right to secure a homeland for the Aryan race, free from racial pollution."

"There you go again with the Aryan thing. Take a look at yourself, Toots! How Aryan are you?"

Blitzkrieg's eyes narrowed and her hand wavered, almost imperceptibly. "Enough talk. Keep your hands in the air and start walking."

"Has Adolph showed you off to the German people? Did he have a big parade and let them cheer for you?"

"Of course not. Secrecy was..."

"He didn't because you aren't one of them. He's building a world for the Aryans. Where the hell do you think you'll fit in? When the war is done, where will you be? You think the German people will hail a genetic mixup like yourself as a hero? They'll gas you like a stray dog and pretend you never existed!"

"I am Germany's greatest hope!"

"You're fighting for people who hate you! Did your soldiers talk to you at all? Did Hitler ever visit you without an army of bodyguards with bazookas? I'll bet not. He's terrified of what you are. Polluted blood. Genetically impure. Non-Aryan. UNTERMENSCH!"

Blitzkrieg's eyes flashed with rage and she squeezed the tank until her fingers dented its steel hull. "SCHIEß LOS!" she bellowed.

Quickly Liberty raised a foot and stomped down hard on the building beside her. Its metal roof flipped skyward as the wall beneath it buckled. Liberty snatched it out of the air and swung it in front of her body just as the tank's cannon roared. The shell struck the metal and exploded in a bright orange fireball that sent shrapnel whistling back toward Blitzkrieg, who threw up a hand to shield her face.

In that instant Liberty attacked, seizing the wrist of the hand that clutched the tank and twisting it viciously. With Blitzkrieg pounding viciously at her ribs Liberty managed to wrestle the tank away and leaped back out of her opponent's reach. "Sorry, boys," she muttered as she wrenched the turret off and upended the tank, dumping the screaming crew onto the street far below before hurling the wrecked vehicle at the German. Blitzkrieg ducked, then plunged a hand through the roof of a tavern and withdrew a fistful of wreckage that she pitched back at her foe. "You will die!" she bawled. "You and all of America will be ground beneath my hooves!"

"You think Adolph will give you that chance?" Liberty countered, dodging the pieces of wreckage being hurled toward her. "He'll throw you away like last week's paper. Give it up! He's finished. Germany's finished. You've got nothing left to fight for."

With a deafening shriek Blitzkrieg leaped upon the American, who managed only partially to deflect the assault. Blitzkrieg caught Liberty's arm and spun her around, sending her stumbling through the tiny buildings, shattering them like sandcastles before she fell onto her back. Blitzkrieg was upon her in a second, once again pinning her beneath her vast bulk. Frothing, Blitzkrieg locked a hand around the American's throat and squeezed with all of her might. Liberty kicked and thrashed beneath her but Blitzkrieg held her down, her fingers tightening brutally. Liberty's struggles grew more frantic; in desperation she wrenched an arm free and seized the German's mane in her fist, then dragged Blitzkrieg's head down to her own.

And kissed her.

Blitzkrieg's eyes widened. The American's lips, soft and velvety, pressed more firmly against her own. A tongue probed at them. She felt a stirring.


Panicked, Blitzkrieg released her grip and threw herself backward. She staggered as she swiped her forearm across her muzzle as though she had been poisoned, and turned to stare in shock at her foe. "Schwein...!" she sputtered.

Liberty sat up with a gasp and clutched at her throat. "Ow," she croaked. "That's some grip." She eyed the German and then smirked. "I thought I felt something. Was it good for you?"

Bewildered, Blitzkrieg slowly followed the American's gaze downward, and to her horror she saw her huge penis dangling free of its sheath, gradually erecting before her eyes. "This...this is impossible. It cannot be." She raised her eyes to the American's and bared her teeth. "You filthy...you've made...how could you..."

Liberty smiled broadly. Rubbing one more time at her throat, she lowered her hand and traced her fingers along one of her gigantic breasts, letting them linger over its bulging nipple. "Something wrong, Toots? You look a little flustered."

Blitzkrieg felt heat rushing to her face and her ears prickled. The massive penis was growing harder and she found her gaze locked upon the American's breast. "You are a savage! Contemptible!"

Liberty lowered her head and dragged her tongue slowly across the top of her breast. Her fingers rolled the nipple delicately until it firmed. "You seem to like it, though."

"Stop it! Now!"

"Make me."

With a strangled cry Blitzkrieg lunged for her again, aiming her attack low to seize the American's legs. Liberty was ahead of her, though, and leaped backward. At the same time she seized the German's mane in both hands, shoved Blitzkrieg's nose firmly between her legs and held it there.

Blitzkrieg's body quivered as every muscle tensed at once. Her enormous malehood swept rigidly upward and slapped against her belly. She fell to her knees, eyes bulging from their sockets. Liberty pressed the attack, dropping to her knees as well and grabbing the German in a tight hug. Blitzkrieg trembled violently as the American kissed her again, this time with greater passion, her body rocking from side to side, grinding her breasts against Blitzkrieg's. After a moment Liberty broke the kiss and placed her hands on Blitzkrieg's shoulders, gently pushing her down flat. A warehouse crumbled unnoticed beneath her back. Blitzkrieg moaned feebly as the American's soft nose traveled down her chest, onto her belly, and then an impossibly warm and soft tongue touched the underside of her penis.

Liberty licked slowly, lovingly, and then raised her eyes to meet Blitzkrieg's. "I think it's time you surrendered, Toots."

Blitzkrieg clenched her jaw angrily. "Never! I will not abandon my..."

Her voice caught as Liberty ducked her head and plunged the quivering penis into her mouth. She pursed her lips around it firmly, tongue swirling over its bulging head, and then released it and raised her head again. "It's time to let Adolph do his own fighting. Surrender."

"I cannot!" Blitzkrieg's voice was hoarse and feeble. "You are asking me to betray my...oh..."

Liberty had crawled forward. She straddled the German's waist now, and reached behind her to lift the heavy penis as she rocked backward. Warm, soft flesh engulfed its tip, sending bolts of lightning through Blitzkrieg's body. Liberty crooned and settled back a little further. "It's your last chance, Toots. Surrender."

"I won't..."

"Surrender, or I'll stop."

Blitzkrieg's jaw fell open. She wanted to fight back. She wanted to hurl defiant words and show this American the true power of a German warrior, but all she could muster was a whispered, "Mein Gott..."

Satisfied with the answer, Liberty closed her eyes and sat back slowly, feeding the titanic organ foot by foot into her body. Her haunches settled down onto the Donnerhuf's thighs and she sighed happily. "The war's over for both of us now," she whispered. "What say we celebrate?"

Blitzkrieg could not argue any longer. The warmth that enveloped her male parts was something undreamed of, something impossible to resist. With a low moan she began to thrust her hips, feeling bursts of intense delight coursing through her being each time the great shaft pushed inward. Steam blasted from her nostrils, mingling with that from Liberty's. The two touched noses, and then feverishly kissed as Blitzkrieg's thrusts grew more eager. The buildings that remained standing shook on their foundations as the great bodies writhed on the ground; windows rattled from the resonance of the two giants' impassioned moans. Blitzkrieg felt as though she no longer had control of her body. Her hips rocked in a powerful rhythm, driving her malehood up into her companion's body, each thrust sending shooting stars across her eyes. She felt heat rising, her ears tingling again, an unbearable tensing between her legs, and then an explosion that wrenched a deafening howl from her throat.

That sound continued to echo for a long time as Blitzkrieg's body settled, her chest heaving beneath the weight of Liberty atop her. The warmth that surrounded her malehood seemed to surround her entire body now, even her soul within. Slowly she opened her eyes to see Liberty smiling down at her. "Am I a prisoner now?" she said softly.

"No." Liberty kissed her lightly on the lips. "I told you. The war's over for us."

Blitzkrieg knit her brow. "I do not understand."

"What's not to understand? My job was to come out here and neutralize you. Near as I can tell I've done that. Nobody said I had to kill you. I just had to take you out of the fight, and then I get put out to pasture."

"But that makes no sense. Why would your president remove you from the battle when there is still so much to be done?"

Liberty gave a little shrug. "That was our agreement. I didn't want to kill anyone. I'm not into smashing cities. But I'm an American, and the one thing we value is a fair fight. You sort of tipped the scales too far. That's why I agreed to even things out again."

"You are foolish," Blitzkrieg said with a scowl. "You have no choice but to kill me. Unless you chain me somewhere very securely, you will not stop me from returning to my -- ah!" Her voice caught as Liberty shifted her hips and tensed just enough to send a jolt of pleasure crashing through Blitzkrieg's erection. She squeezed her eyes shut and let her head sink to the ground, defeated.

"You got a point there," Liberty said. "I can't let you go back. I guess you're just going to have to come with me."

Blitzkrieg's eyes opened. "Come with...you mean, abandon my Fatherland?"

Smiling, Liberty kissed her again, sending another tingle through Blitzkrieg's frame. "You're still stuck on that, ain't you? I'm telling you, there's going to be nothing for you in your Fatherland. I'm sure they gave you a lot of great promises, but I'm telling you that they'll throw you on the junkpile the very minute the shooting stops." She lowered her voice. "Frankly, that would be a big disappointment to me."

"So where will we go?"

"FDR's got a place for me down in the tropics, nice and private. It's all spelled out in section seventeen of my contract. I'm sure I could convince him to make it a party of two. Think of it. No more war, no more shooting." She grinned. "And you could be with me. I think we'd make a pretty fine pair, don't you think?"

Blitzkrieg was uncertain. "You say that my government would not honor its promises to me. How can you know that your government will honor its promises to you?"

"Simple. I got Eleanor on my side." She chuckled. "And you don't think that they'd try to doublecross two of us, do you?"

Blitzkrieg smiled and nodded. "I think that a home in the tropics, with such company, sounds appealing."

"Just leave it to me. We just..." Liberty stopped suddenly and narrowed her eyes. Her nostrils flared. "Now what's this?" Slowly she turned her head toward a wrecked storefront. Her ears swiveled forward and she bellowed, "PARSONS! Is that you?"

From the shattered building a small green-clad figure scrambled into view. "Yes, Sergeant!" it squeaked.

"I thought so. Get your little ass over here, now."

The tiny soldier fumbled momentarily with the button of his trousers and then scrambled forward. He skidded to a halt, returned to snatch up his rifle, and then rushed toward the two titans and snapped to attention. Liberty smirked at him. "Couldn't resist a front row seat, could you, you little sex maniac?"

"I'm sorry, Sergeant!" Parsons stammered. "I was...ah...monitoring the..."

"Monitoring nothing. You were enjoying the show. Now, can it! I've got a mission for you."

"Yes, Sergeant?"

"Take a message back to Command: Mission accomplished. Target neutralized and under detention. Requesting section seventeen, with additional conditions to be detailed."

Parson's shoulders slumped visibly. "You're leaving?" he said sorrowfully.

Liberty smiled. "The war's over for me, Kid. You don't need me anymore. You and the boys can finish the job and head home. Now, you've got your orders. Beat it."

Parsons lowered his gaze. "Yes, Sergeant," he muttered, and turned away.

"Oh, and Parsons, one more thing."

"Yes, Sergeant?"

Liberty shifted her body atop Blitzkrieg's and stretched her neck toward the tiny soldier. Her broad nosepad nudged against him and blew a long, warm breath across his body. Her velvety lips parted. Parsons did not move a muscle as they surrounded his body and pressed gingerly together, embracing him, her jaw working as her tongue gently bathed his face and chest. After a moment she raised her head, allowing him to slip free. "Not a word to Command about fraternizing with the enemy, hm?"

Standing with open mouth and glazed eyes, Parsons did not reply.

"That's a good boy. Dismissed."

Parsons did not move.

"Go on, Sugar." She gave him a delicate push with her nose. "Dismissed."

Shaking, Parsons threw an awkward salute and stumbled off. Liberty watched him go and sighed, her expression sad. "Poor boy. We've been together since I joined up. He'll be heartbroken."

Blitzkrieg reached up and ran her fingers through Liberty's mane. "Men must suffer in war. He will forget in time."

"I know. But he's a lonely kid, not really anything to go back to when the work's done here. I can hardly stand the thought of leaving him behind." She stared thoughtfully at the smoke curling from the ruins around them and then turned back to Blitzkrieg. "You don't mind if we bring him along, do you?"

On January 11, 1945, German resistance in Tillet crumbled. The 87th Infantry suffered more than two hundred killed, wounded or missing in action. Among the latter was officially listed one Pvt. M. Parsons.

On May 1, 1945, Adolph Hitler shot himself to death deep in his hidden bunker in battle-ravaged Berlin. Six days later General Alfred Jodl order all German military forces to lay down their arms and surrender. The war in Europe was over.

On September 3, 1945, the Peruvian freighter Jarros, sailing under tight U.S. Navy escort, left the port of Marseilles and steamed westward into the Atlantic. Her cargo and destination on that voyage have remained a closely-guarded secret to this day.

This story is soon to be made into a fully-illustrated portfolio featuring the artwork of the amazing Gideon. Watch this page for details of how you can get your copy!

This story is copyrighted. Links may be made to it freely, but it is under no circumstances to be downloaded, reproduced, or distributed without the express permission of the author. Address all inquiries to rogue-dot-megawolf(at)gmail-dot-com